NOF 2023/2024
(National Olympiad Foundation)
National Olympiad Foundation (NOF), is a premier organisation that conducts online assessment tests in different subjects i.e. Maths, Science, English, Global Knowledge, Commerce, French, etc for school students from Kindergarten (Nursery) to Secondary 4 (Grade
1 to 10) across 14 countries and 4500+ Schools.
NOF is the world's only Olympiad that uses the most advanced technology Artificial Intelligence for the assessment of students to identify knowledge gaps and helps the students to fill those gaps through personalized remedial plans. Students from class Nursery (Kindergarten N, K1 to K3) to Primary 5 (Grade 5) can participate in NOF Junior; Primary 6 to Secondary 4 (Grade 6 to 10) can join in NOF.
World’s first Animation-story based international Olympiads and
Assessments, it facilitates learning and helps a child to visualize things.