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Announcement of IMEC (International Math Olympiad) National Round Results
IMEC 國際數學奧林匹克比賽結果公告及證書下載
Please click the button below to check the competition results and download the certificate.

We are pleased to announce that the results of the IMEC (International Math Olympiad) have been officially released! We are proud of everyone's efforts and dedication to participating in this competition.
You can find your results by visiting the link below:
We encourage you to take a moment to review your performance and celebrate your achievements.
Kindly contact us if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. For students who got Gold, silver, and bronze, we would like to invite you to participate in Global round in Sydney, Australia or it will be conducted online in April 2025.
For the details of IMEC Global round 2025 Sydney, Australia, please click the link below:
For the online IMEC global round, we will announce it soon. We will send you an email or it will be announced on the website/Facebook.
We also would like to invite you to participate in our first 2025 competition - ADEPT Olympiad.
Grade level: From kindergarten, Primary 1 -6 and Secondary 1-3 (Grade 1-9)
Subjects: ADEPT Competitions ( Chinese, English, Mathematics, Science, Art and Business)
Preliminary Round Dates: January 19, 2025 – Online Competition (Miss Man International Education will host this online competition)
School participants can take the paper test before February 28, 2025 (please get in touch with us for more details)
This competition will provide questions in both Chinese and English.
Registration Deadline: January 14, 2025
ADEPT Preliminary Round Participation Fees
HK$95 / MOP 100 for an electronic certificate
HK$140 / MOP 145 for a printed certificate
HK$180 / MOP 185 for a printed certificate with the medal
Individual registration:
Congratulations to all participants, and thank you for your hard work!
IMEC 2024
(International Mathematics Olympiad)

IMEC (International Mathematics Olympiad) is from Australia, nearly 30 countries and regions such as Australia, UK, US, Canada, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam (and so on) participate in IMEC every year. Miss Man Education is so delighted and proudly represents IMEC in order to bring more global questions and challenges to our students and schools in Hong Kong and Macau. The Olympiad will be in two rounds (Preliminary round and Final round). Students in the pre-selection will be eligible to participate in the Final Round. The key competence tested by IMEC is logical combination, not just pure knowledge of formulas.
1. Encouraging students of KG and grades 1-11 (P1-6, S1-12) in striving for excellence in
2. Contributing to the continuous professional development efforts for improving the skills-base of
in-service teachers of mathematics;
3. Building confidence among students;
4. Promoting international mindedness among students;
5. To make students think in an out-of-box concept
6. To help schools to sustain their students energetic and purposeful